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Driving faster than the maximum speed limit is: |
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A Shared Traffic Zone, where pedestrians and other road users can share the road safely has a speed limit of: |
3 |
What could be the penalties for driving over the speed limit |
4 |
Where there are no speed limit signs, the speed limit is 100 km/h, unless: |
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When you see this sign you must: |
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This sign means you must: |
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If you are driving along the highway and come across road works with a reduced speed zone, you must: |
8 |
Driving faster than the maximum speed limit is: |
9 |
A Shared Traffic Zone, where pedestrians and other road users can share the road safely has a speed limit of: |
10 |
What could be the penalties for driving over the speed limit |
11 |
Where there are no speed limit signs, the speed limit is 100 km/h, unless: |
12 |
When you see this sign you must: |
13 |
This sign means you must: |
14 |
If you are driving along the highway and come across road works with a reduced speed zone, you must: |
15 |
On a freeway with a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h, a learner driver or rider must not drive faster than |