Skyrocket your chances of passing the Hazard Perception Test on your first attempt.
Click the button and start using the practice tests today.
Most people fail the HPT test on their first attempt. Don’t let that be you. Aspiring P1 drivers like you who prepare the DKT way pass on their first go.
We’ve designed our practice tests to help you overcome the obstacles of studying a manual only.
More people pass the Hazard Perception Test when they use online tests to help them prep.
It’s easier to study online when the questions are structured just like the real HPT test.
Keep motivated to upgrade to a P1 licence with our interactive and highly educational tests.
Use our free online HPT quizzes and test simulators that correct you in real-time, so you prep more effectively.
Learn from your mistakes and keep working at the challenging questions or categories until you get them right.
Retest until you’re confident that you’re ready to tackle the NSW hazard perception test and ace it first time.
We don’t do generic hazard perception test questions. Our HPT practice tests use state-specific (NSW) information so you can prepare for the real test with accurate data.
Our HPT practise questions are just like (if not identical) to the real thing. We pull data from the current NSW handbook so you can practice with the most up-to-date info.
Learn while you study. Our free online practice questions give you the correct answers and the rationale behind them. So, you can learn more while you prepare for the HPT.
Study using our free online hazard perception practice tests, and you’ll be upgraded in no time.
Click the button and start using the practice tests today.